
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

goodbye 2014.

I've felt recently that I have been welcoming (and eagerly waiting) for the end of 2014. I think it's because I'm keen to make 2015 the year of new things and to work towards it being the best year of my life (so far).

That's not to say I've had a terrible 2014, I know people who've had it A LOT worse this and I'm grateful every day that I haven't had to go through what they have. But nevertheless I'm happy to say good bye to 2014 and hello to a brand new chapter in my life.

2014 marked the end of education for me (maybe not forever). In May, or probably months before, I made the easy to decision to drop out of university because honestly, my heart wasn't in it. 2014 also brought around mine and Jakes first holiday aboard, my 20th birthday and many many happy moments at home.

There are some parts of 2014 that I'll miss with all my heart. Times like seeing Tom Jones live with my mum, going to the sea life centre for my birthday, swimming in a lake in Croatia. But mostly there are things that I am excited to carry into 2015. Staying up ridiculously late with Jake and Elliot. Laughing so much my tummy, all the shopping trips with my best friend, Lucy, and most importantly, being with the people I love.

So here's to 2014, slightly uneventful yet slightly great! oh and 2015, please be kind to me. 

Friday, 26 December 2014

Grandkids are not just for christmas, they are for life.

So yesterday was my 21st Christmas and the second Christmas that my Granddad (my Mums Dad) has paid a visit. I should point out now that long before I was born sets of my Grandparents got divorced or separated. And while My Dads parents lived a few towns away (they are both no longer with us), my mothers parents continued to live in the same town as us.

me and my nan on holiday
When it comes to grandparents that have played an active role in my life, there is one. My Nan. My beautiful, kind hearted nan.
I can count the number of times I've seen my mums dad on less than 10 fingers. It's sad but he's not an important man in my life and I don't feel like my life has been greatly affect by him not being in it.
But yesterday, he showed up at my family home with three Christmas cards (one for me, my sister and our cousin) that had money in, an amount that my nan couldn't compete with this year, which I think upset her.

And then it made me realise, money isn't love. It's an easy present for people who you do not know, an easy present for the three grandchildren that you have no idea what they like.

Love is what our nan gives us on a regular bases. Love is the presents she picked out because she thought we would like them. Love is her buying our prescriptions when we are ill and can't afford them (when you are not in eduction, those buggers are not cheap). Love is the times she's picked us up from work or school because it's been too cold or we've been too lazy. Love is all the times she's looked after us in the holidays, the times she's picked my cousin up when he's poorly. The times she's sacrificed her days out because someone has needed her more. Love is pottering about graveyards with me and looking at all the dates/names. Love is the gossipy phone calls she shares with us, and knowing everything about our lives. It's the hugs and kisses she's given us over the years, the sleepovers we've had, the days out to the cinemas. Memories that we won't ever forget. Love isn't something that can be brought, its something that is made from all the good times together.

I'm not bitter that my granddad has not been in my life, because I have the greatest nan that I could ever ask for and she's better than two grandparents put together.

Monday, 22 December 2014

the inbetween stage

I'm officially one month into my twenties and it's taken me all month to motivate myself to write this post. I was originally going to start on my twentieth birthday, but like most things in my life now a days, I put it off.  I don't know why it's taken me this long. Properly because I could do a Masters degree in putting things off but also because I wasn't 100% I knew what i wanted to use this space for (not that I know now). That's another thing you should learn about me, I can't make decisions. Which is probably what is scaring me about being in my 20's because what now?

And  that's what this space is going to be used for (or so that's the plan). My journey. my 20's to my 30's and all the mistakes I'm bound to make in-between.

I'm starting this with an open mind. I (obviously) have no idea what is going to take place in the next ten years but I have a feeling that this next decade is going to be the biggest one of my life. And I want to document it through this blog.

So where am I in my life?
I'm currently a university drop out. A year in and I just couldn't hack it any more. So now I work four days a week serving people fast food and the other three days spending my money and napping. Its uneventful and I'm just waiting for something to exciting to happen. I'm in the same relationship that I've been in since I was 16 and who really knows how that's going to end?

And that's it, my first blog post. I can't wait to see where this journey is going to take me and to rant about it on here for the world to read.

Much love,

x x x